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The Making of a Legend

Thought Crimes and Seditious Conspiracy and the Theories behind Prosecuting the Insurrection
Explanation of What Sedition Charges Are within the Rule of Law

Lawfare's Jan 6th project, the most comprehensive repository of research and documenation of the Jan 6th and aftermath.
Jan 6th Project

A bit of history on the last application of seditious conspiracy in US Law and the case of Shiek Abdul Rahman in 1997 when an Egyptian cleric and her lawyer were charged and convicted on what could be reductively described as 'thought crimes'

The story of a 62 year old American grandmother facing life in prison after being arrested for violating tough new anti-terror laws.

Lynne Stewart has devoted her life to keeping her clients out of jail. Now she stands accused of aiding one of them -- convicted terrorist, Sheik Abdul Rahman. Following his conviction in 1997, his supporters in Egypt massacred 58 foreign tourists demanding his release. Rahman was placed in solitary confinement and Lynne forced to sign an agreement promising not to convey his views to the outside world. However, when he asked her to publicise a press release she passed it on to Reuters. Two years later she was arrested. Defence attorney Carl Herman believes that: "If it hadn't been for September 11, she may have just gone on and no-one would have taken any notice." An interesting look at the sharp edge of America's new security measures.

The most recent comparable historical event to the Jan 6th insurrection

Sortable Table of all Charges Stemming for Jan 6th

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